How eXciteOSA has helped my husband’s snoring
|5th August 2022
For as long as my husband, Terry, can remember he’s never felt as though he was having a very good night sleep. He wakes up a lot and always feels tired no matter what time he goes to sleep. So much so, that he’s previously purchased vitamins that are supposed to help with tiredness. It’s affected him a lot more since he met me in 2007, as I’m always waking him up and asking him to stop snoring.
His snoring has always been a big issue in our marriage. During both my pregnancies and also on several other nights (too many to count!) Terry has slept in the spare room, as sometimes it just gets unbearable for both of us and we need our sleep.
Also, due to Terry’s snoring, I’ve always worn earplugs and I’ve had several problems with my ears and had to have them syringed several times.
We no longer have a spare room since I had my third child, and it’s been extremely frustrating for both of us on the nights I cannot sleep because of his snoring. We’ve sometimes let one of our children sleep in the bed with me and Terry goes into their bed, or there’s been lots of other times when Terry has slept downstairs on the sofa or even outside our bedroom on the floor – also, due to his snoring.
Seeking Help for my Husband’s Snoring
Around Christmas time it was too cold for Terry to sleep downstairs on the sofa, so he was sleeping outside our bedroom on the floor, as he was getting so fed up with me waking him up because of his snoring.
I felt so sorry for him, but I can’t sleep anywhere apart from a bed so it was the only option (he luckily finds it easy to sleep anywhere!), but it was at this point we realized we had a problem.
Soon after, I saw an advertisement at a tube station in the UK and couldn’t wait to check it out. I told Terry about it, and he was hopeful and willing to try anything.e struggling with snoring.
Trying eXciteOSA for snoring
Terry was also pleasantly surprised about how easy it was to use eXciteOSA, and how it is only 20 minutes a day he needs to wear the device for.
His snoring is really reduced, and we have a much better night’s sleep! I rarely wake him up at all or even hear his snoring now and he’s been back in our bed since starting.
How addressing my husband’s snoring with eXciteOSA has changed our relationship
Sleep isn’t as much of an issue as it was, and we are both much happier in the mornings due to getting enough sleep now. We are both so much happier!
For anyone in a similar situation, I would encourage them to try the eXciteOSA device! It could be the answer to your prayers and is worth every penny.