| 5th August 2022
| 25th January 2022
| 25th January 2022
What is OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnoea)?
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep-related breathing disorder that occurs by recurrent episodes of breathing cessation and partial arousal from sleep. In essence, OSA is a periodic stop in one’s breathing due to partial or total collapse of the upper airway.
Read more| 7th January 2022
If I Snore Loudly, Do I Have OSA?
While some snorers only make small noises that do not disturb others during sleep, others may not be so lucky. If you or your partner snore so loudly that one wakes up the other – or worse, you even wake up the neighbors – it is possible that you are dealing with a slightly more serious issue.
Read more| 20th January 2021
How Does Snoring Affect Your Sleep, Hormones, and Relationships?
Snoring is a common problem that we all deal with from time to time, especially if you share a room with a partner or a roommate. The interesting thing about snoring is that you are seldom aware of it when it happens to you, but you almost certainly would notice it in someone else.
Read more| 9th October 2020
What Happens In A Sleep Study?
Every one of us experiences sleep problems from time to time - this could be due to stress, overworking, or being in a new environment. However, for some people, their sleep problems run deep and affect their lives and relationships in significant ways. If this happens, the seeking of medical intervention is advised.
Read more| 6th October 2020
Is Snoring Genetic?
If you have ever shared a room with someone, you might notice that some people sleep like a log, without a sound, while others snore away through the night. It appears that some people naturally struggle with snoring while others don’t. This begs the question - is snoring genetic?
Read more| 3rd October 2020
Why Do Men Snore More Than Women?
It is an ancient question that demands an answer - do men indeed snore more than women? Anecdotal evidence suggests that this is true; there is a caricature of a wife trying to sleep next to her obliviously loud snoring husband. However, is this assertion true scientifically - are men truly worse snorers compared to women?
Read more| 30th September 2020
Why Do I Snore?
Snoring is one of the most annoying problems that you can have because it seems like you don’t have a lot of control over it. If you have a snoring problem, you’ll probably only find out when your partner tells you; if your partner has a snoring problem, you’ll know about it all too well.
Read more| 27th September 2020